Static Website

Design a static page location that can not be modified by the user
It can not be added or modified by any web designer through our company
Prices start at $ 100, depending on the number of pages
Information about static locations
- static sites content static web site:
Which are the regular websites containing text, images and other means of textual presentation and static and mobile graphics according to the content of the pages and the idea and purpose of the site, but this type of sites does not contain the possibility to change its data in dynamic way or variable database database can be updated through which, where It requires the change of any information or image using the tools and languages ​​of the development of sites and then re-published on the Internet again and of course, the number of pages of the site is unlimited and can be added more at any time according to the content required for the site.
In short are sites that are fully written by HTML. Each page is a separate document and there are no databases or external files that are dependable.
This means that the only way to modify the content of this type of site is to change each HTML page. So you'll pay for your web developer to make updates for you
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