Vodafone Internet Installation:
Required papers: Passport with residence and address and the best bill + mobile number
The duration of the contract is two years, and there is a penalty for canceling before the end of the contract period and the installation is free
The installation period ranges from 7 to 15 days
Vodafone Internet Transfer:
Documents required for transfer:
The last paid Internet bill or subscription number
A copy of the passport with the residency that was registered for the first time
The mobile number registered with Vodafone
Electricity or water bill for the old house or address in detail
Electricity or water bill for the new home or address in detail
Note: (The line must be clear)
Transportation fees of 100 TL come on the bill
And if our company carries out the transfer transaction, an amount of 100 pounds must be paid to be transferred to our company account
Vodafone ADSL - VDSL internet line speed adjustment
The papers required to adjust the speed of the Internet
A copy of the passport with the residence that was registered on
The address of the house in detail, and the best is an electricity, water or gas bill
The mobile number of the owner of the line
Note: (To raise the speed of the Internet, the infrastructure must provide for the process of uploading fiber)
And if our company carries out the transfer transaction, an amount of 100 pounds must be paid to be transferred to our company account
Internet Heroes of VODAFONE:
It must be taken into account that nullifying the contract before its expiry is contrary to the nature of the contract
A fine comes to those who want to cancel before the end of the contract period
The fine is estimated according to the period of use of the line and the remaining period in the contract
To cancel the Vodafone Internet line, you must review the nearest head office, fax or email to the company, requesting the cancellation
We cannot do this procedure, and the person concerned must be consulted exclusively or someone with an agency for him
Attached with the passport, residence and router in case the type of line is fiber
Note: (No person can disable the line remotely or through another person unless there is an official agency certified by the notifier, except in the event of sending a fax or email)
For more information, please contact the numbers: